Saturday, 18 August 2012

Prayers of confession and forgivness 2nd sep

Prayers of confession (based on Psalm 15)

Lord forgive us that are walk has not been blameless
Lord forgive us for when we have not done what is righteous,

When we have failed to speaks the truth from their heart;
When our tongues have utters slander,

Forgive us for when we have wronged our neighbours
Forgive us for when we have casts no slur on others;

Lord we admit we have not keeps an oath
Lord we admit we have been shaken.

We have not kept your lord
We have no kept you gospel in our hearts

For all of this we seek your mercy
For all of us we seek your grace in our hearts 

Prayers of forgiveness:

Lord we know you forgive us always
Lord we know you'll give us grace always

You made your word flesh when we would not hear it
You showed us your grace when we would not see it
You set up your camp in our hearts when we needed it
You forgive us though we did not deserve it.

Lord your will is we spread the gospel of forgiveness
Lord you will is we spread the law of love

In this we are joined in salvation with your son
In the great act of scarifies we are forgiven though your son

Prayer of adoration

Listen! Look! Here the Lord comes, leaping across the mountains,
bounding over the hills.

My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the lord;
my tongue is the pen of a skilful writer.

You have exchanged the laws of man for your love

You have clean our souls from the stains of sin

You have anointed our lips with your grace

You have made us blessed you forever.

Lord you have erected your camp in my heart

Lord your is the cause of truth, humility and justice;

Lord your right hand achieve awesome deeds.

Lord your saving word has redeemed the world

Lord when I speak with you the words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart are pleasing in your sight,