Jesus said the end of days will come like is a thief in a
night, we shall not know the appointed hour only the Lord God in heaven did.
His advice was that we should prepare, that we should live and breathe for it, that
the end of days was not something to be feared but celebrated. Celebrated
because it was a day that the Lord and his creation will be joined together; the
physical world and the spiritual world of the Lord thy God of Israel would at last
be one.
The day of judgement did not come, the end of human history
did not arrive on time, man’s reign upon this earth did not ebb but grew. As the
kingdom of man grew so the kingdom of God shrank, firstly God’s spirit was
replaced by man’s will via man’s Church. Then the authority of the holy Church
itself was displaced by the authority of man’s kingdom aka the state and then
God’s truth was replaced with man’s truth. Finally in these end days we see God’s
wisdom replaced by the wisdom of man by humans and philosophy morality and
Who needs God any more in a world where miracle are replaced
by medicine, when Gods singular truth is replaced with a plurality of ideas
were all division is resolved into meaninglessness. What need do we have to
adhere to the laws of Lord thy God of Israel when we have for the philosophy of
the self of philosophy that asked nothing but self justifies and self glorifies
the time of man.
So what of the church, this stinking falsehoods that dares
to call itself the church, this rotted limb this insult to the glory of the
gospel still exists but it does not exist in truth. It exists only as an expression of the man. It
exists only as an expression of community in which going to church is merely
part of the process of life. Grace has been replaced by reason, miracles
replaced by hermeneutics and the words of Jesus locked behind doors and buried,
so can never rise again; and The church’s acts like a spiritual damn preventing
and controlling any spiritual faith that could threaten the reign of man.
It is replaced the choir of angels, the celestial throne of
God, the wisdom of the disciples, the suffering and the striving of the first Church
with bureaucracy and paperwork and man’s law. As a Methodist I get a ticket of
membership to show that I am a member of the church. A ticket! Seems the
Methodist church has long since accepted it is empty but for the show, more
historical re-enactment then faith, more society then church, more man than
God. We have abandoned God, we are buried beneath ourselves.
We do worse than this we reject God we deny him we question
his word, his wisdom, we have usurped his throne and put ourselves upon it. We
find it odd that anyone would perish for God, that anyone would be moved by
him. How could anyone see anything beyond our endless repetition of what was,
how could anyone find meaning in our historical Society. We are not here for
the faithful, we are here to contain them, we not here for the Lord thy God, we
are simply here to ensure that the stone never roll from the tomb so he can
never rise again.
This ever since the church entered into a covenant of man it
has been meaningless but the kingdom man has grown so great so beyond the
kingdom of God that the church serves no purpose anymore. The kingdom of man
has no rival any more than is no one challenging for its crown; For even if the
end of time came it would merely rate and mention on the third page of the
newspapers whilst everyone gossiped on about some celebrity scandal.
So what of us who really do believe in the Lord thy God,
those of us betrayed and imprisonment by man’s Church? While we must continue
in our belief, we must continue to reject a world where man pretends to sit on
the throne of the father; we must never mistake the son for the father. We must
wait and wait and believe and believe we must not weep for the church and sold
its soul centuries ago. When it was tempted by the devil, with the devil took
it to the highest mount and showed all the kingdoms of the Earth and offered it
Dominion over them the church took the knee and submitted to Earth authority.
We must give up this fake corrupted church, sacrifice to the
world of man as a sacrament of confession and a sign of our contrition. I tell
you brothers and sisters nail it to the cross, forsake it, abandon it, and weep
not for it: for in this sacrifice it may finally achieve something meaningful,
it may finally be worthy of its inheritance. It is time for the church to make
way for the kingdom of God, it is time for the Church of man to die and the
church of God to rise up from the tomb and be brought into the world.
Let us keep faith then. A faith in a church is not
controlled by man, that a church which embraces and lives the gospel of Christ
is coming, let us keep faith that the spirit will establish it and work towards
this end of days. In the meantime let us be God’s church, let us reject the
wisdom of man, and let us this reject man’s truth and his fads and obsession.
We should join with the Angel in heaven they alone are our world, the Lord our
God of Israel alone is our monarch. We will be rejected, will be mocked we will
be derided but we will be a sacrament to God; Worthy of his divinity, worth of
his mercy and worthy of the sacrifice of Christ but knowing that it is only in
the mercy of Christ that we are redeemed.