Saturday, 19 July 2014

A new communion service

Communion for Service 4

Bold text is spoken by the whole congregation 

17 the peace:

By the spirit of God we are all one family, we join together with Christ to share this meal, to drink from his cup of crucifixion and salvation,we do so gladly and freely

when Christ was risen he stood among the disciples and said “Peace be with you”
They were glad to see the lord and welcomed each other saying: “Christ be always with you and also with you Alleluia!

Let us as one family greet each other now by shaking of hand and saying: 

“Christ be always with you and also with you Alleluia!”

19: The preparation of the gift

When Christ met with the disciples before his crucifixion they shared a meal, during which Christ took a loaf of bread and broke it saying this is my body broken for you

Overseer takes the bread and breaks it

Christ is the bread of life, he who believes in this will not hunger
After this Christ pick up a cup full of wine saying: He who drink from my cup will never go thirsty

Overseer hold up grail

We drink happily from the cup of Christ for this us the cup of our salvation, we do this in remembrance of the blood Christ given for the forgiveness of us all

20: Thanksgiving

We have been joined together by the spirit of our heavenly father; we have been joined together by the love of his Son Jesus Christ so let us say together

The lord is with us
We lift up our hearts to you lord
We gladly give you our thanks and praise
Blessing and honour glory and love are yours our heavenly shepherd

When we wandered from you in our sin
You sought us with you steadfast love
And did not give us up.
In the fullness of time you sent your Son
To be our Saviour and Deliverer.
Made of flesh and blood, he lived our life
And died our death upon the cross.
All of this was done to save us
All of this was done to call us

Blessing and honour glory and love are yours our saviour

When Christ was at supper with his friends,
He took bread and broke and gave thanks to God
and said: Take this, all of you, and eat it.
This is my body given for you
eat this in remembrance of

Blessing and honour glory and love are yours our eternal host

When supper was ended,
he took the cup and gave thanks,
gave it to them saying
Drink from it all of you
This is the blood of the new covenant,
poured out for you and for everyone
It is split for the forgiveness of thins
Drink this in remembrance of me
Blessing and honour glory and love are yours great redeemer

We find ourselves sinners once more collected at that holy table
we celebrate that in Adam all people shall die
So in Christ all shall be made alive once more
We come to be forgiven, we come to bead fed and watered
We come to sit with Christ and to share his mission with him
We come to be saved and to be healed and remade
We come because you still in your glory call us
Sinners though we are

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