Tuesday 20 August 2013

Being angry with God Oos

Order of service: 25082013

Call to worship: Matthew 11:28-29

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

I am sorry my friends that I cannot say this will be an easy service, there may be time when the good news seems far of but let our first hymn be always in are hearts, let our first hymn be the message of this service 

Hymn H&P 559: What a friend we have in Jesus

Prayer of adoration / Thankgiving
Hymn: StF 526: Lord of all hopefuless

Being angry with god intro
·        God on a pedestal
·        God the vengeful and ever judgmental
·        Pain and suffering falls on us all
·        You can harm someone but not sin against them

Reading: Psalm 13 1-4
Reading: Jeremiah 20:7-10

Short talk on how to walk with God
·         When we our anger bring it to God
·         God knows our pain
·         God walks with us
·         He will wait for us  

Reading: John 6 35-40

Reading: John 3: 16-18


·        Hate destroys our relationship with God

·        God will heal us

·        We must forgive to be forgiven

Sometimes when we are angry or in pain we make matter worse by judging God reaction or by missing his call – our next hymn reminds us that Jesus is always calling to us no matter how far we are from him

Hymn:  Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling

Lived prayer of forgiveness and confession

Lord's prayer (Sung)

Ofertory (collected but brought up during the prayer of dedication – just left on alter)

Prayer of dedication

Why does God pursue is? Why does he never repay are hate with hate because God is love because he loves us, because we our his chosen children – are next hymn is a hymn of celebration of this reality

Hymn Stf 443: Come let us sing a wonderful love

Prayers of petitions / intersession

All age address:
·         Ask them how they’d cross various obstacles
·         The obstacles we put between us and God 
·         What God done to come to them

If we allow God to find us, he will change us from this earthly glory to his glory, his love is transforming turning our anger into love – so let us rejice in this reforming love with our last hymn

Hymn: Stf 503: Love divine, all love excelling


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